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Woodpecker® UDS-E LED Fiber Optic Ultrasonic Scaler EMS Compatible
Best BD402 Portable Dental Turbine Unit+ LY-L201 Handpiece Kit + Dental Manikin ...
Greeloy GU-P206 Dental Portable Unit + GU-109 Dental Chair + Storage Bag Kit
27L Dental Medical Surgical Instruments UV Sterilizer Disinfection Cabinet
M-868A Wired CMOS Intraoral Camera 8inch LCD Monitor with SD Card
clinicapriorize: bom dia , tenho somente a Máquina M-868A x1, preciso do restante dos itens (Cabo de vídeo x1 Cabo USB x1 Disco x1 Capa de câmera x50 DC5V / 3A Fornecedor de energia x1 CF-986 (cartão TF) x1 Suporte de câmera x 1) Voces vendem somente os itens acima mencionado? Qual Valor ? Att Marla / / 42 99931-7487 / 42 3646-4569
1PCS Dental LED Intraoral Camera 2.0 Mega Pixels USB 2.0 MD930U
mac980: Best intra-oral camera value This is a great deal. I one in three hygiene rooms and 4 clinical ops. I bought the first 7 about 4-5 years ago and 4 of them still work. Just ordered 3 more today to replace cavicide stricken ones. Well worth the money. They pay for themselves in the first month of use, and I don't even use them very often. Even though about half of mine have broken, I could have spent $5000 and only had one or $35,000 to have them in every room. I'm a big fan of intraoral photography with a real dslr camera and macro lens for actual clinical examination, but these are great tools to quickly show a patient a problem with a single tooth. If I'm busy, my staff sometimes takes pics of teeth and shows patients problems. The patient usually think the tooth looks worse than I do. Quit explaining so much to someone why they need a crown; a picture is worth a thousand words.
Magenta® MD960U Intra Oral Camera USB
Sherif: Too much more updated and performing than cheaper cameras, at the same time its versatility and pictures quality is comparable with the extremely more expensive intra oral dental cameras. Thanks to the rapid response of the professional technical support team, it is perfectly integrated with Windows 10. It is really a great added value to our practice.
15 Inch Wired Dental Monitor Intra Oral Camera System VGA+VIDEO port With LCD holder MD1500
David: Excellent Intraoral Camera I looked for a intraoral camera for long time, I found it and I think bought it was the right decision. The image has good quality and several input to display the images
Dental Intraoral Camera USB-X PRO IMAGING SYSTEM MD740
Mariott: What a very nice camera, it's lightweight, the LED lights are bright, and the pictures are very sharp. Default settings makes the colors accurate, Their tech support is awesome! a Big Thanks to Ron for all your help linking them with our software in our operatories.
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