More than $50 free shipping
One Year Quality Guarantee
90-day money-back guarantee
Shipping & Delivery can dispatch items to virtually any address in the world. However, warranty issues, manufacturer restrictions and customs laws prevent us from shipping certain products to certain geographical locations. We shall deliver the ordered items within 48hrs after confirmation. Please allow 7-10 working days for delivery.
We offer free shipping to most countries, countries in South Africa, South America, North Asia, Western Asia and the Middle East are not belong to the free shipping zone. The customer service will contact and help you to caculate the shipping fee if your order from the non- free shipping zone.
Track an order
Parcel will be shipped out within 1-2 working days after the payment, then tracking number and shipping method will be offered as follow.
For any problems in the transaction, please contact the online service directly, we will keep an eye on your order till you get the parcel.
Free Return & 100% Refund
AlanDental guarantee our products in great quality and good price.
Most things we sell are covered by our 30-day money-back guarantee, so just return them at your expense, in their original undamaged package. Then money will be credited.
To protect your personal security, we are also unable to accept returns on some non-faulty imaging and recording products.
If a product is excluded from our 30-day money-back guarantee, please contact our customer service firstly.
The customer service will help you for a safer and smoother returning, so try to contact the online chat prior to parcel returning.
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Im interested in the Paralleline 100 generation 2. Can you please explain how to change bur and what is the bur size.
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Price in Australia? Shipping charges? Do I get the whole set mentioned above?
Can you please contact me in my above email. Thank you
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