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Dental practitioners are reporting high success rates, and many dentists are gaining the knowledge and experience to integrate implants into their dental practice successfully. It is important for patients to know that an evaluation for the replacement of most missing teeth should include an implant site and cost evaluation( dental implant machine). In order to improve the predictability of any treatment outcome, it is critical to understand whether the patient’s anatomy, bone, and soft tissue, is favorable for esthetic integration.
Dental root form implants are manufactured from a highgrade titanium alloy, the surface of which consists of a micro layer of titanium oxide. The implant surface can also be treated by plasma spraying, acid etching, sandblasting or coated with HA. The removal of plaque and calculus deposits from these implant surfaces with dental instruments designed originally for cleaning natural tooth surfaces can result in major alterations to the delicate titanium oxide layer. Altering the surface topography by roughening the surface may enhance calculus and bacterial plaque accumulation.
Current methods for professional cleaning of implant or titanium transmucosal elements include the set of plastic ultrasonic tips or hand instruments followed by the prophy cup polishing ( dental air polisher) method or various types of floss and buffing strips. The design of the permanently cemented super structure often does not allow adequate access for the prophy cup, especially in interproximal areas, and plastic instruments are not very efficient for the removal of plaque or mineralized deposits.
If inflammation becomes established in the periimplant tissues, pocketing and bone loss can develop, which if left untreated, will result in the loss of the implant. Clinicians worldwide are advocating surgical regenerative procedures to restore or repair lost periimplant tissues.These techniques attempt to achieve the repair or regeneration of lost periimplant tissues,and rely on making the implant surface biocompatible with the healing tissues. This implies a detoxification of the previously infected implant surface.
The modern dental laboratory, armed with a dental technician with the appropriate knowledge, skill, and experience can provide implant restorations in a financially, technically and esthetically predictable manner, delivering the highest standard of patient care.
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