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Your teeth are strong, but poor dental care can cause the protective enamel that encases your teeth to break down. When this happens, your teeth become sensitive and more vulnerable to fractures and cavities. This is when your tooth’s root can become infected. Each tooth has soft tissue that runs through the tooth’s canals. The tissue is made up of nerves and blood vessels, which provide vital nourishment to the tooth.
Root canal treatment solution primarily starts by drilling or making a hole within the enamel part of the tooth, which can be the best part. Initially inflammed pulp present in your pulp chamber is entered, and then going through the root canal for the elimination of infected tissues as well as remaining pulp tissues. Burrowing is done on the infected pulp by making use of needle shaped lengthy drills, that are known as files, H files (Headstroem), K flex, Remears, etc. Abscessed tooth is usually formed when
the infection has already scattered up to the ends of your tooth roots. Infection in this area can also seriously lead to swelling that may affect even your neck and face areas. There is also a risk of losing parts of your bone around the root’s tip because of the infection.
The first step of this treatment is the drilling which enables access to the infected pulp. Once the surface is drilled, the dentist removes the infected pulp tissue and further drills the root canal(s). Post the removal of pulp and drilling of root canal, the infected canal is disinfected using different medicinal oils and micro motor. The dentist uses a standard filling material and puts it in the teeth, followed by sealing of the open surface to avoid leakage. As the teeth remains disconnected with blood supply, the dentist, as a measure to protect the teeth, covers it with a crown.
When moderate to heavy stain is present on root surfaces, dental hygienists are often faced with the problem of removing it with the least alteration of cementum. One choice is to leave the stain and explain to the patient that stain is not associated with oral disease and will not harm the teeth or gingiva since it is only a cosmetic concern. The treatment takes a lot of time and the patient has to visit the dentist multiple times before the actual treatment is performed, depending on the circumstances and the damage caused to the teeth. Other choices include removing the stain with a rubber cup polisher and prophylaxis paste; sonic, ultrasonic scalers; Dental Hand Instruments or the air polisher.
Root canals are incredibly common, nearly painless, and highly successful. So if you’ve been suffering from tooth pain or sensitivity, don’t hesitate to visit your dentist and learn when to get a root canal. It could protect your tooth and save you a lot of pain and suffering.
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