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Dental technologists spend much of their time in the lab creating cosmetic dental prostheses such as crowns and implants. This work creates dust and chemical fumes. Without proper protection, exposure to these may risk the health of the dental technologist.
To ensure that microblasting is easy requires a nozzle with exact focus and an ergonomic handle. An advance in adhesive dentistry has resulted in sandblasting, to increases micro-retention, being performed as a routine procedure. Instead of wearing a path from the patient’s portable folding chair to the office lab to clean excess cement from a patient’s temporary or loosened permanent crown ,or for sandblasting the fitting surface of a crown, bridge inlay or veneer, the procedure is a half- turn away, thanks to the new breed of sandblasters and hookup options.
The uninterrupted patient/doctor exchange is especially beneficial with anxious adult patients – no need to cut the reassuring golf story short for a trip down the hall, leaving the patient alone. Standard hookup kits allow, with a simple male disconnect, access to the dental unit’s air source through the female port. Many dentists have sandblasters with quick disconnects in every operatory, and these space- efficient wonders tuck easily into a drawer.
The old dust collection methods are fast disappearing as dentists perform more and more chairside sandblasting. You’ve heard of them as the homemade variety, consisting of a discarded packaging box of gallon plastic milk carton with three handcuts holes. Learning over the nearest trash can, much to the dismay of office staff, Best of all, throwing open a window and blasting away (weather permitting). Times have changed and the new waves of dust collectors not only keep the air clean, but they look great, too – they’re high-tech looking, lightweight and simple to operate and empty. No fancy installation, either- they simply plug into the nearest outlet.
Producing optimum work requires a perfect view of the object. Thanks to a brightly illuminated blasting chamber with special daylight LED throughout (4800 Lux) greater contrasts and clearer differences can be seen on the illuminated object. The ideal balance between diffuse and directed light ensures the best contour and detail recognition. Ergonomic hose routing guarantees clear viewing conditions and the color-coded system on the tank lids, the tank positioning, handpieces and tank selection switch make the unit very easy to operate.
The uniformity of abrasive flow, abrasive power and jet pattern is essential. The special nozzle geometry and mixing chamber technology enable highly focused sandblasting. This allows you to achieve uniform, reproducible surface conditioning ensuring perfect bonding properties – and therefore visibly higher quality.
Best of all, the new breed of dust collectors are scaled( air scaler ) to fit comfortably on an operatory countertop without without getting in the way, and without compromising user comfort or efficiency. Really optimum blasting depends on whether you can clearly see what you are work on. A perfect view is the key to the greatest possible accuracy – wherever and whenever you need it.
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