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Gum disease (aka gingivitis) is when the gums in the mouth become inflamed and start to bleed. It is typically caused when plaque, which is continuously forming on the teeth, accumulates to excessive levels. This plaque hardens into a substance called tartar, which is very tightly bound to the teeth and eventually destroys the surrounding tissues that support the teeth. Gum disease is a nasty condition that can lead to oral complications and serious health risks if left untreated, like periodontal disease (aka periodontitis). But many people don’t recognise the symptoms.
Periodontitis is a more severe case of gingivitis where gums can begin to recede to reveal more tooth bone, and abscesses can form on the gums. In more serious instances, the teeth can become loose or, more worryingly, can fall out altogether. And as a result, you’ll get all sorts of dental issues and increase the chance of developing more serious health problems. In this case, urgent dental assistance is required.
Home care, which includes proper dietary choices, good dental hygiene and a healthy lifestyle are the major factors in fighting gum disease.
Proper Diet- Dairy products and dental lab equipment, fresh fruit and vegetables, cereals, fish and grain all contribute in different ways towards the health of your gums and should be included in your regular diet.
Good Dental Hygiene – Brushing and flossing the teeth at least twice a day are the core of fighting gum disease and both are equally important for preventing build-up of plaque and the dreaded tartar. Brushing helps remove the plaque that forms on the surface of the teeth. Flossing is essential for removing plaque from places that a regular brush cannot reach including under the gum line and in between the teeth. Fluoride-containing toothpastes and mouth washes help strengthen the teeth and gums and prevent decay.
There are certain people who are more at risk for gum disease than others; people whose parents have poor teeth and gums are naturally more predisposed to oral problems than others, and are therefore more likely to contract some form of gum disease. As a matter of fact, about half of people out there reading this may be experiencing some of the milder forms of gum disease at this point in time, bleeding of the gums. Gums bleeding while brushing your teeth is a symptom indicative of gingivitis( teeth whitening machine ), the first stage of periodontal disease. Luckily, this is one of those things that can be reversed with proper care and all it really takes is the extra special attention that your teeth and gums should have been receiving in the first place.
Taking care of yourself is the best step in preventing gum disease; brushing and flossing with dental curing light is a given, but also getting enough sleep and having a properly balanced diet can help prevent gum disease as well. Chewing tobacco and smoking are two habits that contribute to gum disease as well.
To ensure your smile stays bright and healthy, you should know what is and is not a sign of gum disease, knowing your risk factor, and knowing the facts can make all the difference when it comes to whether or not you will be keeping your teeth into old age, how it is treated and how to prevent it ever happening to you.
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