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When a person is missing a tooth, the gap that’s left in their mouth enables the rest of the teeth to shift and move which can cause misalignment, a poor bite, and effect their eating habits. The bone, which will weaken more quickly, where the tooth is missing if the gap isn’t filled. This can cause the other teeth to become loose and fall out.
Your dentist can evaluate your case and tell you if you are a candidate for dental implants. Structurally, a dental implant by dental implant machine is a titanium-based cylinder that replaces the missing tooth root. After a period of time, other parts are placed on the implant to enable your dentist to eventually place a crown (cap) on the implant. Implants can also be used to support full or partial dentures, dramatically improving denture retention and stability.
A dental implant is a 3 part device that connects together to form an artificial permanent tooth. There is a titanium screw-like post that’s meant to simulate a tooth’s root. An abutment which is like a stem that’s used to connect the third piece of the device to the post. The third piece is the artificial crown. The crown is custom-made to match naturally with the existing teeth of a dental implants patient.
The procedures of dental implant needed to put in a dental implant can take some time. It is a surgical procedure that you can have performed. The procedure involves placing an implant into your upper or lower jaw, wherever the implant is required. A screw is then positioned into the implant area and the gum tissue replaced over the implant to help secure it into place.
Since a dental implants treatment is most commonly used to permanently replace a missing tooth and is performed by a cosmetic dentist, many would think that one has it just for an aesthetic appeal. This isn’t always the case, even though the patient may not be aware of the dental health improvement that an implant treatment has, it does have it.
When you are considering a procedure like this, it is important that you know just what an implant is so you know what to expect as a result of the procedure. A dental implant is a device that has been particularly fabricated and manufactured to act like and look like your own teeth. The implant will take the place of a missing or damaged tooth in your mouth. The tooth is often made of a combination of titanium and other materials and is designed to look and feel just like a normal tooth would.
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