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Do you look for strong build quality? An extensive warranty? Perhaps you prefer a unit with an efficient motor? If so, you’ve made a wise choice. Efficient motors are a great mechanism for you to save money and ensure long-lasting, durable operation.
Premium efficiency motors are an emerging trend in equipment engineering. They offer a wide range of benefits worth your consideration, especially in the realm of cost savings. Let’s take a look at premium efficiency micro motors to learn how they can help your organization with its air compressor needs.
A dental air compressor pressurizes atmospheric air for use in procedures. Standard compressors are not suitable for this purpose because they may not meet health and safety standards. Dental firms can choose from an array of models designed for small, medium, and large practices with a variety of features. Like other equipment in the practice, a dental air compressor can be subject to inspection by health department officials to confirm it is safe for use with patients.
Compressed air should always be oil free. Nonetheless, oil serves as a necessary evil in the process of air compression. As such, the process has its share of potential consequences. As the air is compressed, oil is used for the purposes of cooling, lubrication, and sealing. Unfortunately, up to half of the degraded oil can pass through the system in vaporized form, especially when temperatures are high. The system itself can also draw unburned hydrocarbons, which condense once cooled. When acidic oil vapors mesh with moisture in the compressed air, corrosive buildup forms along the air receivers and valve cylinders.
An adsorption dryer uses regenerative desiccants to filter vapor from compressed air as it passes through the system. Designed solely to remove vapor from air, adsorption dryers work in tandem with coalescing filters, but are incapable of performing the complete process of filtration alone.
Some units are portable, allowing practitioners to move them around as needed. Others are mounted in a practice. For hygiene reasons, the dental air compressor is typically attached to short tubing. Dentists may place a unit between two treatment rooms, for example, providing access from either side while leaving the tubes short to reduce the risk of breeding bacteria. The best option for a facility can depend on the number of patients it sees and the kinds of procedures it performs with the use of compressed air.
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