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You probably have heard about the dangers of gum disease, at least in passing, but may need to know more about the subject. Understanding the causes, dangers, and key dental care prevention techniques is critical if you are to keep your teeth and gums as healthy as possible.
It is often wrongly assumed that gum disease mainly affects the elderly. The simple truth, however, is that young adults are also susceptible to this disease. This isn’t a matter that should be taken lightly. The results of gum disease can be fairly severe. From a reasonably small problem like bad breath, it might escalate into actual tooth loss. In truth, periodontal disease is a larger factor in tooth loss than age.
One type of gum disease, known as gingivitis, is an inflammation of the tissue that supports and surrounds teeth. Typically the result of inferior dental care, gum disease is actually quite common. Known for producing swollen, red gums that bleed during flossing and brushing, gingivitis is the first step toward the more serious condition known as periodontal disease.
It is extremely important to maintain a consistent dental hygiene routine with brushless micro motor. The inside of the human mouth is, regrettably, a major source of germs and bacteria. Also be aware that many foods, including sugars and certain starches, can increase the likelihood of periodontal disease.
What can you expect if you neglect your teeth for any length of time? Initially you will suffer from mild complications such as slightly inflamed gums, overly sensitive teeth and maybe a little bleeding when you brush and especially when you floss. If you do not take these warning signs seriously though, with time the current symptoms will develop into something much worse. As the build up of plaque and tarter that forms around the gum line worsens. It slowly penetrated beneath the gum line and makes its way into the roots. Damaging them at the core, eating away with nothing to stop it, since it is now out of reach of your toothbrush. Left alone at this point you can expect some much worse effects to take place.
With proper gum disease comes infection, teeth that are too painful to bite down on and yes, your teeth will fall out. This whole process takes some time but given the choice and yes you do have a choice, do you really want to wait around for it to happen. Keeping up the daily routine of brushing your teeth, will take away 99 percent of the danger right from the start.
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