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TEALTH® 1020CH-105 1:5 Inner Water Spray Contra Angle Push Button Handpiece
  • TEALTH® 1020CH-105 1:5 Inner Water Spray Contra Angle Push Button Handpiece

  • Item No. ADL001630
  • Reviews: 5 stars, 0 reviews
  • Brand:Tealth
  • Market price:$466.99
    But It Now : $283.99
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  • Goods click count:1989
Item Description Reviews

TEALTH® 1020CH-105 1:5 Inner Water Spray Contra Angle Push Button Handpiece


Dental 1020CH 1:1 Inner Water Spray Contra Angle Push Button Handpiece



Increasing handpiece are generally more stable than high speed handpieces. There is no heat, adapts to surgery. the maximum speed is 200,000 rpm.

360 °rotating movement; stainless steel material.


1. Drive speed ratio 1:5

2. Interface Type E-type Torque: 65Ncm

3. Anti-suction system configuration

4. Inner water spray

5. Working pressure: 0.3MKpa

6. Noise ≤ 58dB (far below international standards ≤ 70dB); Inner water cooling system

7. Applicable Tool:FG bur (1.60mm) sterilization conditions: 135 ℃ autoclavable


TEALTH® 1020CH-105 1:5 Inner Water Spray Contra Angle Push Button Handpiece


TEALTH® 1020CH-105 1:5 Inner Water Spray Contra Angle Push Button Handpiece

TEALTH® 1020CH-105 1:5 Inner Water Spray Contra Angle Push Button Handpiece


TEALTH® 1020CH-105 1:5 Inner Water Spray Contra Angle Push Button Handpiece


TEALTH® 1020CH-105 1:5 Inner Water Spray Contra Angle Push Button Handpiece


TEALTH® 1020CH-105 1:5 Inner Water Spray Contra Angle Push Button Handpiece

TEALTH® 1020CH-105 1:5 Inner Water Spray Contra Angle Push Button Handpiece


TEALTH® 1020CH-105 1:5 Inner Water Spray Contra Angle Push Button Handpiece


TEALTH® 1020CH-105 1:5 Inner Water Spray Contra Angle Push Button Handpiece

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