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How to Use Air Polishers Effectively

Use of the dental air polisher for stain removal involves three steps: patient selection and preparation, clinician preparation, and the actual clinical technique. Air polishing should follow a careful review of the patient’s medical and dental history, and a thorough examination of the oral hard and soft tissues. Indications and contraindications, effects on hard tissues, restorations, safety, and alternative uses should be reviewed prior to treatment planning the use of the air polisher.

Preparation of the patient should include an explanation of the procedure, removal of contact lenses, an anti-microbial rinse, application of a lubricant to the lips, placement of safety glasses or a drape over the nose and eyes, and placement of a plastic or disposable drape over the patient’s clothing. Operators should use universal precautions, including protective apparel, a face shield or safety glasses with side shields, gloves, and a well-fitting mask with high-filtration capabilities.

During periodontal surgery, air polishers can prepare root surfaces detoxify them effectively and efficiently, and leave a uniformly smooth root surface that is clean and free of diseased tissues. Dentinal tubules are then occluded, which may result in decreased sensitivity. Superior growth and vitality of human gingival fibroblasts was evident when ultrasonic scaling was followed by air polishing, compared to ultrasonic scaling alone. Air polishing produced root surfaces that were comparable to manually rootplaned surfaces, and provided better access to furcations. Tissue healing following air polishing was comparable to that achieved by hand instrumentation in root preparation during periodontal flap surgery.

Research findings also support the use of air polishing with orthodontic patients. It is the most efficient and effective method for plaque and stain removal around orthodontic brackets, bands, and arch wires. It is not contraindicated on orthodontic bracket composite resin adhesive systems.

In restorative dentistry, air polishers have provided stronger composite repairs than traditional etching gels. They also are superior to rubbercup polishing in preparing occlusal surfaces for etching prior to sealant placement because the rubber cup forces debris into the fissures. Air polishing of occlusal surfaces also allows for deeper penetration of the sealant resin into the enamel surface than rubber cup and pumice cleaning of the fissures. Air polishers also have enhanced sealant bond strength compared to traditional polishing with a low-speed handpiece, bristle brush, pumice, and water.

Oral health care professionals have a responsibility to patients to engage in life-long learning in order to provide the most contemporary clinical care. Air polishing has been studied extensively and, when used appropriately, provides a safe, efficient and contemporary approach to achieving a variety of treatment goals.

The Serious Occupational Lung Disease Caused by Dental lab Materials

Dental health has improved dramatically with falling rates of tooth decay and attention has now shifted to the needs of an ageing population, with an increased emphasis upon aesthetics – that is, having a full set of sparkling white teeth. Therefore, dental technologists spend much of their time in the lab creating cosmetic dental prostheses such as crowns and implants. This work creates dust and chemical fumes. Without proper protection, exposure to these may risk the health of the dental technologist( dental lab equipment ).

Research has shown us that the dust from the types of materials that are used in dental technology contain between 54-70 per cent of respirable particles (that is, particles of less than 5 microns in size that enter the lungs). A particular concern is the silica content of this dust, which can reach 30 per cent and may exceed maximum recommended levels during the sandblasting and grinding processes. Another is exposure to dusts from heavy metals like the cobalt-chromium-molybdenum alloys. Both exposures may lead to a lung condition known as pneumoconiosis, of which several cases have been reported as being linked to dental technology.

There have also been a number of cases of silicosis, a well-known and very serious occupational lung disease that is cause by inhaling respirable crystalline silica dust. These have been highlighted in the United States Center for Disease Control’s publication Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Reports (MMWR). Traditionally, silicosis is associated with the mining, quarrying and ceramics industries. However, it appears that materials and processes used in dental laboratories put those who work there at risk of the condition. According to MMWR, occupational disease surveillance in five states found nine cases of silicosis among dental technologists. The case reports are revealing of the importance of protection against dust in the dental lab – as follows:

Case 1 – worked 46 years in a dental lab, exposed to dust, cobalt and chemicals and never wore a respirator. Died of respiratory failure, pathology report showed silicosis.
Case 3 – died of renal failure, pathology showed silicosis. Worked for 28 years in dental labs and never wore a respirator or used an air cleaner for dental technicians, while exposed to various dusts when carrying out sandblasting processes.

In general, the smaller the particle the more likely it is to damage health. Of particular concern are the ultra-fine particles (UFPs) which have a size in the nano range – that is less than 0.1 microns, or 100 nanometres. A recent study analysed the size range of particle which dental technologists may come into contact with during the course of their work. A number of blocks of composites used in dental prostheses were ground and the dust thus generated analysed. All of the composites released a certain amount of respirable dust.

The Way to Keep a Younger Smile

Everyone wants to look young and attractive. And a radiant smile is the most attractive way of showing it. So check out these dental tips to help you achieve a beautiful and younger smile. Practicing good oral health and taking care of your teeth is one of the many ways that can help you achieve a younger smile.

Dental health has improved dramatically with falling rates of tooth decay and attention has now shifted to the needs of an ageing population, with an increased emphasis upon aesthetics – that is, having a full set of sparkling white teeth.

A number of procedures that a dentist carries out for patients involve the use of a dental lab( dental laboratory equipment ). Dentures, crowns, bridges, mouthguards, splints, whitening trays are all usually made at a dental lab by a technician. Just like dental materials there is a premium on good quality materials and work.

Brushing your teeth on a daily basis is the most common practice among the human race. Most dentists recommend brushing your teeth at least twice a day and others will support the fact that each one of us should brush or floss after every meal. This practice helps avoid dental problems such as tooth decay.

Toothpaste contains fluorine that enriches teeth and makes them stronger. Depending on your condition, your dentist can prescribe you a toothpaste with certain levels of fluorine.

Some foods and drinks contain harmful colours, chemicals, and acids. Soda, coffee, and tea could stain your teeth, so try and avoid drinking too much of it. If you are a coffee addict, make a habit of brushing your teeth often.

Smoking and drinking too much alcohol can also stain your teeth. You might not notice the stains in its early stages but once visible they are hard to retract.

Some people have white and sparkling, unique teeth. Some people go through whitening treatments to remove the stains or to make their teeth whiter by teeth whitening machine. You should check with your dentist for the best procedure or treatment for your teeth. Some medications are harsh and may cause more harm than good hence a prescription from your dentist would be the best option.

As you age, you get exposed to heftier stress so your teeth might wear out during the night because of clenching. It is a typical incident for people who grind and clench their teeth.

Another cause of wearing teeth is airway obstruction in sleep apnea patients. Unless you regularly visit your dentist for check-ups, this condition may remain unnoticed.

A night guard protects your teeth from cracking and wearing out. It also keeps your teeth healthy and strong, hence the youthful appearance.

The Tips on Oral Health

Everyone wants to look young and attractive. Practicing good oral health and taking care of your teeth is one of the many ways that can help you achieve a youthful appearance and a younger smile.

Brushing your teeth on a daily basis is the most common practice among the human race. Most dentists recommend brushing your teeth at least twice a day and others will support the fact that each one of us should brush or floss after every meal.

If your teeth are not in desirable alignment, this denies you a proper smile. Do not worry – there is still hope. Your dentist will expose you to the numerous procedures you can take to rearrange your teeth.

Crooked teeth are difficult to clean hence a predisposing factor to gum diseases and risk of getting tooth cavities. Apart from having an excellent appearance, straight teeth are healthy teeth.

Wondering how to correct overbite naturally? Some of the best recommendations would be braces or aligners that gradually align your teeth to disable the overbite.

Some foods and drinks contain harmful colours, chemicals, and acids. Soda, coffee, and tea could stain your teeth, so try and avoid drinking too much of it.

If you are a coffee addict, make a habit of brushing your teeth often.

Smoking and drinking too much alcohol can also stain your teeth. You might not notice the stains in its early stages but once visible they are hard to retract.

If you don’t have frequent appointments to the dentist, it means you are probably not experiencing any dental problems. Although, it is a good idea to visit your dentist at least every six months. You can also choose teeth whitening machine.

These visits should entail check-ups and cleanings that will give the dentist a chance to detect any arising dental problems.

The dentist is likely to provide you with more dental tips for a younger smile.

Make it a habit of using fluoridated water as due to its neutrality it washes away residue and doesn’t leave behind any unwanted sugar. Its calorie-free composition keeps you away from risks such as cavities, therefore, keeping the mouth clean.

Paying much Attention on Your Oral Health

The introduction of technology in dentistry demands the attention associated with committed dentists and also dental care perform professionals dental X Ray. Recent surveys reveal more teeth’s health personnel are simply set for the money and also treat dentistry and its limbs since means to make rewarding enterprise. As a result, selecting a dentist is a vital move, with regard to the oral and also economic well being.

Dental practices have a selection of machines, which includes dental x-ray machine and also tools as an example lips large mirrors, probes, forceps, styling brushes, and also scalpels. They put relating to masks, leather gloves, and also health and safety glasses or contact lenses in order to safeguard by themselves in addition affected individuals by infectious sicknesses. Whereas dentists can provide all dental treatments, hygienists focus solely on dental hygiene and preventive care. They are licensed to provide all exams (regular and periodontal), prophylaxis, and root planing (deep cleaning) services.

They are not, however, allowed to diagnose conditions like dentists – but are trained to spot dental x ray item problems to require a dentist’s consultation services. Many hygienists use dental assistants as well. This dental industry job becomes more popular as many dentists choose to delegate the preventive services to hygienists, enabling them to perform more high-end procedures rather than spending their time doing cleanings.

Having right diet is also important to have healthy mouth. In addition, taking low sugar diet helps to protect your teeth. It is because high sugar intake may lead to tooth decay. Having junk food, coffee, black tea, berries, red wine etc. in excessive quantity or regularly leads to tooth problems and fade their appearance.

Most of us don’t visit dentist until and unless they have a tooth problem. But as it is said that an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure; so it is good to visit the dentist regularly before you have a problem. He/she will guide you right path to stay from mouth problems.

On the other hand, plaque and tartar doesn’t appear on your teeth unless they get collected for a long period of time. Both of these can’t be removed from normal and daily brushing. A dentist will also take care of cavities to keep your gums and teeth healthy. Don’t go for polishing by dental air polisher of teeth more than twice a month.

Using Polisher and Scaler to Do Dental Cleaning

Dental hygienists generally use several tools during a dental cleaning, including a tooth polisher and a dental scaler. Tooth polishers buff teeth and eliminate tiny pieces of plaque. They generally have several different sized heads for cleaning hard to reach places. Scalers look a bit like metal hooks and are used to remove hard plaque, especially between teeth. Some people find the use of a scaler uncomfortable, depending on their sensitivity level, pain threshold, the length of time since the last cleaning, and the extent of plaque build-up.

During periodontal surgery, dental air polisher can prepare root surfaces detoxify them effectively and efficiently, and leave a uniformly smooth root surface that is clean and free of diseased tissues. Dentinal tubules are then occluded, which may result in decreased sensitivity. Superior growth and vitality of human gingival fibroblasts was evident when ultrasonic scaling was followed by air polishing, compared to ultrasonic scaling alone. Air polishing produced root surfaces that were comparable to manually rootplaned surfaces, and provided better access to furcations. Tissue healing following air polishing was comparable to that achieved by hand instrumentation in root preparation during periodontal flap surgery.

Use of the air polisher for stain removal involves three steps: patient selection and preparation, clinician preparation, and the actual clinical technique. Air polishing should follow a careful review of the patient’s medical and dental history, and a thorough examination of the oral hard and soft tissues. Indications and contraindications, effects on hard tissues, restorations, safety, and alternative uses should be reviewed prior to treatment planning the use of the air polisher.

Preparation of the patient should include an explanation of the procedure, removal of contact lenses, an anti-microbial rinse, application of a lubricant to the lips, placement of safety glasses or a drape over the nose and eyes, and placement of a plastic or disposable drape over the patient’s clothing. Operators should use universal precautions, including protective apparel, a face shield or safety glasses with side shields, gloves, and a well-fitting mask with high-filtration capabilities.

Future research should continue to explore ways to increase the safety of air polishing, reduce aerosol production, and increase its efficacy in periodontal therapy. Future research should include in vivo studies that directly compare the effects of ?Dental Hand Instruments; air polishers; sonic, ultrasonic, and piezo scalers; and rubber cup polishers on all tooth surfaces. In addition, these studies should attempt to control the variables of quantity of stain, abrasiveness of polishing pastes, and amount of pressure applied to each surface.

What Do You Know about Dental Intraoral Camera

An intraoral camera is a camera which is designed to be used in the mouth for the purpose of taking video or still photography. These cameras are most commonly used in dental offices, although patients can also use them at home to monitor dental health or to satisfy curiosity about what the inside of the mouth looks like. Several firms specialize in producing intraoral cameras and accessories, and others make adapters which can be used with conventional cameras so that they can be used in the mouth.

Advantages of IntraOral Cameras:

Instant: you can instantly see what we see as we investigate your teeth, and also what we do when we work on them
Accurate: we can take a picture of the inside of your mouth for a bigger and better look, and it really helps to track any changes over time
Easy referrals or second opinions: if we need to get another opinion from a specialist, we can easily take a photo and email it to them
Memory jogger: we store these images on your dental record to compare back to later – a great way to really track erosion, staining
Better planning: together we can discuss the best treatment plan for you as we go – you then decide how to proceed
Learn more: it is a great educational tool to show you exactly what is going on in your mouth… rather than our dentists merely trying to describe it to you in words!

One of the primary uses for an intraoral camera is in patient education. Dentists often find it helpful to be able to show patients exactly what is going on inside their mouths, and to highlight areas where medical attention may be needed. Patients are also less likely to defer or refuse procedures when they can clearly see the area at issue, as some people are suspicious of recommendations for dental procedures, due to concerns about cost, potential pain, or the fears about members of the dental profession.

In addition to being used in patient education, such cameras can also be used to take clear visual records for patient files, and to generate material which can be used in consultations and discussions with other dental providers. For example, a general dentist might use an intraoral camera to take images of a tooth or area of the jaw which requires oral surgery so that a maxillofacial surgeon can examine the information before he or she meets the patient to get an idea of the kind of surgery which might be required.

Images taken by an intraoral camera can also be reviewed later, which can be useful for a dentist who feels a nagging suspicion that something is not quite right in the mouth of a patient. The intraoral camera can also be used to document procedures for legal and educational reasons, and to create projections of a patient’s mouth which can be used in medical schools for the purpose of educating future dentists about various issues which pertain to oral health.

The Tips for Choosing Dental X-ray Machine

Finding the right technology for a practice requires research, investment and care. As more dental professionals implement digital intraoral radiography( intraoral camera ) into their practices, dental assistants should be sure to not only become educated on proper use, but also proper care.

When contemplating the change to digital dental in your practice, the choices can be confusing for the dentist. Dental radiography has evolved from film and chemical developers into a highly technical process that involves various types of digital x-ray machines, as well as powerful dental software programs to assist the dentist with image acquisition and diagnostic analysis of the acquired images.

When making the decision to purchase x-ray equipment, the doctor needs to research the available options thoroughly, in order to make an informed choice for the “right” machine for his or her practice.

While many patients see their dentist in-office, others require the dentist and equipment to go to them. Those who are incarcerated, home-bound, in nursing homes, working in underdeveloped locations or stationed on military bases are just some of the patients who may benefit from having access to a portable x-ray machine. Teeth problems could not only be painful but could also cause many health problems. Waiting to access an in-office machine may not be an option depending on the condition.

The orthodontist requires a way to obtain the size and form of craniofacial structures in the patient. For this reason, a cephalometric extension on the imaging x-ray device is necessary to acquire images that evaluate the five components of the face, the cranium and cranial base, the skeletal maxillae, the skeletal mandible, and maxillary dentition. The cephalometric attachment offers images such as frontal AP and lateral cephs.

The portable dental x-ray is not only useful to patients, but also to dentists who want to be able to help patients who don’t have immediate access to a dental office. Without the device, there is no doubt that quite a few individuals would go without knowing the cause of their tooth pain. Though it doesn’t mean they’ll seek immediate dental care, it at least increases the chances depending on the results of the x-rays.