Why Is Dental Flossing Your Teeth So Important?

You’ve heard it a million times: You should always brush your teeth at least twice a day, and floss at least once a day. But despite the fact that dental professionals and educators have been repeating these instructions to people decade after decade, not everybody is compliant. It’s easy to forget to brush your teeth twice a day. And it’s even easier to neglect flossing your teeth every single day. Even though these tasks are incredibly important, brushing and flossing both require time and effort. And when not completed on a regular basis, your oral health can suffer.(dental x-ray machine)

Most people understand the importance of brushing their teeth. Brushing your teeth has immediate and obvious benefits: it makes your teeth look and feel cleaner, and it makes your breath smell more fresh. Flossing, on the other hand, does not result in as many immediately noticeable benefits. Regardless, brushing and flossing your teeth are equally important.

A few benefits of flossing your teeth every day include:

It removes food that is caught in between your teeth.
It helps remove plaque that can eventually turn into tartar.
It helps keep your gums healthy.
It causes your teeth to look healthier.

There are several different types and brands of dental floss. If you are unsure of the type of dental floss that you should be using, make sure to discuss the matter with your dentist or a dental hygienist during your next routine dental visit. It’s important to have a professional tooth cleaning and exam twice a year. Many dental insurance companies cover this type of appointment because it is considered preventive care. If you do not have dental insurance, you should still visit your dentist twice a year for a routine appointment. A membership in a discount dental plan can help lower the cost of a routine dental visit.

Using Dental Floss Can Promote Good Oral Health
Using dental floss can help remove bacteria and food particles that can get caught in between your teeth. When the space in between your teeth is kept as clean as possible, the result can be a decreased risk of developing tooth decay and gum disease. Another reason to floss your teeth at least once a day is that it can improve the appearance of your teeth. Individuals that make it a habit to use dental floss after every meal run a lower risk of having embarrassing food particles caught in between their front teeth.

Learning How to Floss
It is important to learn the correct way to use dental floss. If you are unsure about proper flossing techniques, make sure to ask for guidance the next time you are at a regular dental appointment. People of all ages should floss on a daily basis – including children. The time of day you choose to floss your teeth may not be as important as making sure you floss at least once a day – no matter when you decide to do it. If flossing your teeth is difficult for you, there may be certain types of dental floss or products that can be used to make the process as easy as possible.(Teeth Whitening Machine)

Dental Insurance for Small Businesses

With the new Affordable Care Act (ACA) law in effect, it’s important for smaller Illinois employers to know that this change provides an opportunity to evaluate health benefits offered to employees.(Dental Implant Machine)

While businesses with fewer than 50 full-time-equivalent employees aren’t required to offer dental insurance according to the ACA, it is something that should be considered to remain competitive among other employers in 2014 and the years ahead.

Dental insurance is the third most requested employee benefit, behind medical insurance and retirement plans. Employees have come to expect dental to be part of a benefits package, and offering dental benefits may tip the scales when a prospective employee is trying to decide among company offers.

Aside from being a great recruiting and retention tool, there are many other advantages dental insurance can provide your business and employees.

Reduce lost work hours
Each year, more than 164 million work hours are lost because of dental problems, so employees’ dental health affects your business, too. Preventive dental exams can help reduce lost productivity hours by identifying and treating problems earlier and, in some cases, reversing the problem before they become larger issues.

Have healthier employees
Studies show that 81 percent of people with dental benefits visit the dentist twice a year or more, while only 34 percent of people without dental benefits visit the dentist twice a year or more. Dental visits can help prevent, detect and manage oral diseases.

Keep medical costs down
Dental insurance that promotes preventive oral health habits may help keep medical insurance costs down. Regular oral health exams can help detect significant medical conditions before they become serious. In fact, more than 75 percent of oral cancers and more than 120 signs and symptoms of disease can be detected in and around the mouth and jaw.

Effects of the Affordable Care Act
In order to meet the requirements of the ACA, small business’ dental plans require a pediatric dental benefit, one of the ten essential health benefits (EHB). Choosing a carrier that provides adult dental coverage with pediatric coverage is one way to keep family dental benefits together and your employees happy. An employer can meet the requirements of the ACA outside of the Illinois Health Insurance Marketplace with a standalone dental carrier. Not only do employers not have to go to the Marketplace to get coverage, they also do not have to get pediatric dental coverage from a medical carrier.

While businesses can sign up for benefits through the Illinois Health Insurance Marketplace, the private marketplace continues to provide valuable options. A broker can help you make a decision that will keep you and your employees smiling.(Marathon Micro Motor)

Talk to Your Teen about Oral Health

No matter what the topic is, sitting down with your teen can get formal and awkward. Good thing you know that no matter how awkward the conversation, it is for their own good. Your teen may drive you crazy sometimes, but reinforcing good oral health habits is a must.(Dental Implant Machine)

Teens are at high risk for cavities because they would rather text than brush their teeth. They may choose not to go to the dentist often for routine checkups. They are at risk for eating disorders, which can damage teeth. They may have mouth or tongue piercings, eat an unhealthy diet or drink sugary energy drinks. These are all reasons why these 3 oral health dangers may cause issues for your teen’s teeth:

Food on the Go: Is your teen always rushing in and out of the house? Candy, potato chips and other foods high in sugar and starch are the enemy to your teen’s teeth. Sugar breaks down to acids that destroy tooth enamel and result in cavities. Poor brushing and flossing habits can lead to cavities between teeth, a common problem in teens. Give them healthy snack options instead.

Oral piercings: Teens may think piercings look cool, but they can chip or break the tooth enamel. Piercings can cause the tongue to swell or may become infected, sending bacteria into the bloodstream. If your teen has a piercing, encourage them to see a dentist regularly.

A Caffeine Buzz: If your teen is a fan of soda or energy drinks, encourage them to read the labels. These drinks are full of sugar and caffeine. The added sugars attack their teeth and can contribute to gum disease. If your teen is an athlete, learn more about how they could be harming their teeth with sports drinks. Water is the best and healthiest hydration source.

As parents, you may find it hard to talk to your teen. But educating your teen now will help them have healthy teeth as an adult. If all else fails, appeal to their vanity – everybody loves a beautiful smile!(Micro Motor)

Why Dental Matters

Behind medical insurance and retirement plans, dental insurance is the third most requested employee benefit.1 While dental benefits may not be top-of-mind during your health benefits discussion, don’t forget to keep dental insurance as an important piece of your overall benefits package.(Dental Implant Machine)

Studies show that 81 percent of people with dental benefits visit the dentist twice a year or more, while only 34 percent of people without dental benefits visit the dentist twice a year or more.2

More than 120 signs and symptoms of disease can be diagnosed during a routine dental exam, which can save on medical costs in the long run.3 The mouth is considered the gateway to the body. Bacteria that build up in the mouth can cause gums to become prone to infection and weaken immune systems. Dentistry has a long tradition of focusing on preventive care that may help prevent more serious problems, saving you money and pain.

Each year, more than 164 million work hours are lost because of dental problems.4 Preventive exams can help reduce lost productivity hours by identifying and treating problems sooner and, in some cases, reversing the problem.

Delta Dental’s Premier and PPO networks are among the nation’s largest,5 making it easy for you. Delta Dental network dentists have agreed not to charge more than the maximum-allowed fees for covered procedures – and they will not bill you after-the-fact for the difference between the Delta Dental allowed fees and their fees.(Marathon Micro Motor)

5 Ways to Improve Your Dental Care Habits

We all know the basics of dental care, but not everyone follows them due to lack of time or energy. Find the best dentist in Florida and learn some fast and easy hygiene hints to have a better smile.(High Speed Handpiece)

1.    Find the Best Dentist and Visit Regularly

Nearly half of all U.S. adults skip going to the dentist due to finances, fears, or forgetfulness. But the American Dental Association advises seeing an affordable dentist twice a year to detect major dental problems, such as tooth decay, gum disease, or oral cancer. Treating problems early is much more affordable and much less painful that catching them at a later stage. That’s why you need to find the best dentist for you and make sure to make your appointments.

2.    Brush Thoroughly

Many people don’t brush enough or they brush incorrectly, which makes their dental care efforts far less effective. Dentists recommend brushing your teeth at least twice a day, holding the brush at a 45-degree angle, directed toward the gum line, and brushing gently in circular motions for approximately two minutes. You must brush gently to avoid doing any dental damage.

3.    Use a Soft-Bristled Brush

To ensure that you don’t damage your tooth enamel and cause gums to recede, choose a toothbrush with soft bristles. Replace your toothbrush every two to three months because brushes become worn over time, which reduces their cleaning ability.

4.    Floss Every Day

Flossing keeps teeth and gums healthy, so it’s a dental care must, but many people fail to floss properly. Wind 18 inches of floss around your index fingers, holding about two inches between your fingers to use. Hold the floss closely against the tooth, gliding it over both sides of the tooth to remove any food particles and plaque. Then, unroll a fresh section of floss and repeat for each tooth.

5.    Stop Drinking Soda

There are acids in carbonated sodas that erode tooth enamel and make it softer and less resistant to tooth decay. While drinking an occasional soda is all right, having too many will cause many problems and lead to too many visits to an affordable dentist. Try to limit your intake and switch to water, adding flavor with fruit or mint leaves.(Dental Implant Machine)

Inman Aligner: How Does It Straighten the Teeth?

More and more people are getting the Inman Aligner advantage and when it comes to correcting the front teeth, it has become a favorite among a growing number of dentists. What is Inman Aligner and how does it straighten your teeth? Find out today from Dr. Gun Norell, our Inman Aligner Specialist at Dr. Michael’s Dental Clinic, Dubai.(dental x-ray machine)

What is the Inman Aligner?

Inman Aligner is a simple, removable appliance that can quickly and safely align and straighten the front 6 upper/lower front teeth. The Inman Aligner is perfect as a standalone treatment or to correct alignment of the teeth prior to other cosmetic procedures like boding or veneers.

How does it work?

The Inman Aligner has one buccal and one lingual bow that “pushes” the teeth into right position with light and steady forces.

Is it comfortable to wear?

For the first 3-4 days you might experience soreness or tenderness in the mouth and/or increased salivation. After this initial period of time, patients say that it becomes more comfortable.

How often should a patient wear it? Does the amount of time it is being worn affects it’s effectively?

You need to wear the Inman Aligners for 16-20 hours/day. General rule of thumb is the more hours the aligners are worn, the faster the treatment and the less hours, the slower the treatment.

How different is the Inman Aligner from the other orthodontic alternatives?

Inman Aligner is a compromised orthodontic treatment since it can only move the front upper and/or lower 6 teeth. But it is faster and cheaper than fixed braces or clear aligners like Invisalign. All treatment with Inman Aligner is evaluated and planned by the computer to know exactly how much space we need to create or close. Every patient is presented with a 3D printed model (after treatment) before the treatment.(Teeth Whitening Machine)

5 Dental Tips to a Beautiful Smile

Ever wonder how to keep your teeth healthy and white? Protect the Enamel to keep them beautiful. Enamel is the white part of the tooth and is very strong. If the enamel is damaged, it can never come back. So here are some tips to maintain beautiful teeth.(Dental Implant Equipment)
1. Don’t Brush After Acids

Wait 30 minutes before brushing your teeth after drinking acidic beverages, like wine, coffee and fruit juices. Your Enamel is temporarily softened from the acids, and is vulnerable shortly afterwards.
2. No Whitening Toothpaste

Whitening toothpaste is abrasive. I recommend using a gentle toothpaste so there’s no damage to the Enamel. Use a gentle and thorough brushing technique, twice daily for a minimum of 2 minutes.

3. Clench? Wear a Nightguard

If you clench or grind your teeth during sleep, wear a nightguard to protect your teeth from damage and wear! I can’t stress this enough.
4. Don’t Use Your Teeth to Hold Objects

Don’t hold hair pins or chew hard things like ice with your teeth. This leads to chipping and cracks in the Enamel. If the teeth chip, they require a filling or porcelain restoration to return the tooth back to its original shape.

5. Floss!

Flossing keeps your gums looking healthy and pink. Preventing gum disease is important to having a beautiful smile.(Marathon Micro Motor)

Evolution of Braces: Then and Now

Braces are a far cry from the teeth-alignment practices of hundreds and even thousands of years ago. Now, more than half of American teenagers wear braces, but back in the day some pretty strange gadgets were used in orthodontic care. Take a look at these braces of the past!(oilless air compressor)

Ancient Braces

Even ancient civilizations believed that a beautiful smile goes a long way. Ancient Greeks apparently aligned their teeth using gold wires – that would be a pretty expensive luxury today! Even stranger, Egyptian mummies have been found with catgut bands, which are made from animal intestines, wrapped around their teeth. Imagine having that in your mouth!

18th Century

A Frenchman named Pierre Fauchard invented a device called the “Bandeau,” a metal object shaped like a horseshoe that attached to gold wires and corrected tooth alignment. This bulky metal “Bandeau” would have been a lot less fun to wear than the trendy bandeau tops people wear today!

20th Century

In the early 1900s, people aligned their teeth using all kinds of materials: gold, silver, copper, even ivory and wood. Gold worked great because Evolution of Bracesit was soft and easy to mold, but its softness was also a downside because it bent out of place and had to be adjusted frequently.

By the 1970s, modern braces were taking hold. Professionals ditched the bulky, embarrassing wires and headgear for direct bonding, or gluing stainless-steel brackets to the teeth using dental adhesive. The subtlety of these braces was taken a step further with lingual braces, where the brackets are placed on the backs of teeth instead of the front. Tooth-colored brackets became another new way to disguise braces.

Modern Braces and Invisalign

In the 1990s and early 2000s, Invisalign took orthodontic care to a whole new level with invisible, removable teeth alignment. With Invisalign, you can eat all the foods that you can’t eat with braces, because you simply take it out while eating and pop it back in when you’re done. No wires for food to get stuck in!

Now, people even customize their braces, adding a personal flare by choosing brightly colored rubber bands. Aren’t you glad to live in a time when braces are constantly developing from the unusual orthodontic methods of the past?(Dental Implant Machine)


For this week’s Ask A Dentist column, our pediatric dentist shares tips on how he gets his young children to brush their teeth. The question was sent in by  blogger and mom Romina C. from California, who recently blogged about National Children’s Dental Health Month.  Here are two of oral health-related questions that she sent over to Smile Generation-trusted dentist Eric Ellis, DMD.(dental air compressor)

R: What tips/tricks have you heard parents use to get young children to brush their teeth?

DR. E:  “Being a father of four year old twins some days were easier than others.  Creating a routine worked well with us.  When they were little we were more successful in the evenings, and we would do everything in the same order before going to bed.  Potty, wash hands and face, followed by singing a song while brushing and flossing our teeth.  Of course some days we did better than others, but the kids eventually understood the routine and became active participants, even in the singing.  For older kids, allowing the kids to pick a special toothbrush or toothpaste from your local retail store may create enough interest to become more successful.”(Dental Implant Machine)

R: What about mouthwash?

DR. E:  “Mouthwash can be effective as well. Mouthwash should be only utilized if the product is designed for children and the child can effectively spit out the rinse. Please only use only as directed by your pediatric dentist and in the guardian’s presence.”

Introduction of measures the cause of tooth decay

Eat food, when the plaque is left, creating an acid that plaque reacts with the sugar, dissolve the teeth. This is the beginning of tooth decay. But compared to the previous decade tooth decay it has been reduced, and shine leave or row of teeth is poor, risk of tooth decay is higher. When it comes to severe tooth decay will require root canal treatment with root canal treatment equipment.(dental air compressor)

Teeth be present all 28 this, it has to function the engagement normal. Mere is a big mistake to think one and. Have you heard of fluorine? It is the element that has been used for dental caries prevention in the world.

This fluorine, is there action to hasten the repair of a hole before the state in tooth decay. You also caries prevention that incorporates all means fluorine from today. Since the roots of the teeth have been very complex branching, it takes a lot of time to treatment. If you do not remove the cause was part of the inflammation completely, because there is a risk of relapse, you will need to treat patiently until the end.(Dental Implant Equipment)