How to Save Energy of the Air Compressor

Studies have concluded that industrial plants waste roughly 30 percent of generated compressed air, which could equate to $9,600 for a typical scfm installation, or as much as $32,100 for 1,500 CFM. Estimates also indicate that poorly designed compressed air systems in the U.S. result in wasted utility payments of up to $3.2 billion.

Energy efficient air compressors will not only save money but will also help control pollution. A walk-through assessment can help identify conservation opportunities in your compressed air system.

Large-scale air emissions are released when electricity is produced. Reducing the electricity needed for compressed air systems can help significantly improve air quality.

Many industrial compressors use oil for lubrication, creating an oil and water mixture called condensate, which contains hydrocarbons and other harmful contaminants that require proper disposal in accordance with government guidelines. Oil water separators, used in condensate management systems, can help efficiently remove waste. An outside waste management company can help dispose of compressor condensate( oilless air compressor ).

Due to problems with piston rings on reciprocating compressors and premature modulation on rotary screw compressors, many compressors don’t produce the CFM flow for which they’ve been rated. Failure in this area may be the result of an inaccurately adjusted valve. Calibration can help verify compressor output.

Air compression equipment should maintain low pressure drop for the duration of its service life. Total pressure drops across system components shouldn’t exceed 15 psi. If pressure loss in your system is more than 10 percent, you should evaluate the distribution system and identify the causes of excessive pressure drops.

Air distribution piping should be large enough in size to minimize this pressure drop. Installing a pressure regulator can limit air demand while reducing maintenance costs and extending tool life. Inlet air filters can prevent the kind of dirt that restricts airflow and causes pressure drops.

You can experience cost savings from using an efficient air compressor. But compressed air can be one of the most expensive forms of energy in a manufacturing plant, with eight horsepower of electricity generating one horsepower of compressed air. In fact, the annual cost of electrical power can often exceed the initial cost of the air compressor.