How are Wisdom Teeth Removed?

If your dentist doesn’t have experience with oral surgery, then they will most likely refer you to an oral surgeon who specializes in this type of procedure. Although some dentists do serve as oral surgeons as well, such as our very own Dr. Bozart. Teeth Whitening Machine for SaleOnce any elected methods of sedation have taken effect, the surgeon will then begin the procedure by:

Numbing the tooth/ teeth and area around it with a local anesthetic
Then any tissue or bone that is covering the tooth will be removed
Extraction instruments will then be used to loosen the tooth from any connective tissue in the tooth’s socket
Then once the tooth is lose enough it will be removed with dental forceps
After the teeth is removed, the surgeon may use stitches to close up the wound if necessary

Once the wisdom teeth removal process is complete, be sure to follow all post op instructions to a T to ensure a full and speedy x-ray machine