The Advantages of a Mouth Guard for Young and Old Ones

Bruxism or teeth grinding is one of the crushing conditions that may affect the teeth, jaw and gums. This condition may plague the old and young ones when they are sleeping at night. Though there are some people who see it as a normal condition, still, it has a negative effect to your dental and oral hygiene. It may lead to any teeth damage, gum problems or jaw disorder. Thus, this condition really needs a serious attention. In this case, there is a dental mouth guard which can be used for an immediate cure.(Teeth Whitening Machine)
Actually, a mouth guard has two kinds and these are over the counter or ready made guards and the made-to-order or prescription guards. The first type of a mouth guard is made up of thermoplastic or plastic material. Because of this material, it can be easily molded when heated in the boiling water. Since it is for general use, this type does not cost too much. The function of this first type is holding the teeth in its static position while you are sleeping. Furthermore, your facial muscle will be prevented from gnashing of your teeth. In most cases, a dental mouth guard which commonly prescribed by the dentist to their patients is quite expensive. Thus, it requires more time in order to be made. The reason why most of the dentists are recommending this type of guard is because they want to make sure that it will match the needs of the patient. Only few expert dentists are doing the plaster cast of the patient’s teeth.
On the other hand, prescription or made-to-order guards can be made in a laboratory. In fact, these types of guards don’t need an additional molding or boiling, most especially when the guards are already completed. These guards are usually used by some patients who have braces on their mouth or hard-to-fit mouths.
Generally, a dental mouth guard has 3 main advantages. The following things are the fundamental benefits which you can experience:
• It can easily relieve chipped teeth.
• It can calm your sore neck.
• It can protect some injuries of gum and can even temperomandibular your joint pains.
You can make use of any types of mouth guard as long as that there is a prescription from your reliable dentist.(Portable X-ray Machine)