One of the wonderful ways on how to create a flawless and beautiful smile is through utilizing dental porcelain veneers. This type of dental veneer is good enough for you because it is really durable and may provide a long life span. However, it is still necessary to take care of this type of dental veneer so that you can have an assurance that it will last for a longer period of time. If you are using dental porcelain veneers and you want to ensure that it will last for long, then you should do or practice some essential ways for good.(Portable X-ray Machine)
For your reference, you may take a look at the following tips and reminders on how you can have a proper care and maintenance for dental porcelain veneers:
• Practice proper care and oral hygiene – For you to prolong the life span of the porcelain veneers that you are using, you should always practice good and proper oral hygiene. This reminder is always the recommendation of your dentist so as to make sure that you will have a healthy oral status. Though dental porcelain veneers do not decay, still, there are some areas which may be exposed. Thus, these areas are susceptible to any tooth decay. Brushing your teeth at least 3 times a day and flossing at least once a day can give you a guarantee that your dental porcelain veneers will have a long life span.
• Use non-abrasive toothpaste and a soft toothbrush only – If you use hard bristled toothbrush or abrasive toothpaste, then there is a possibility that it can damage the polish of your dental veneers. So, you need to make sure that the cleaning tools that you use will not harm the surface of your dental veneers.
• Avoid gum disease – Periodontal disease, commonly known as gum disease, may result in gum inflammation and can even cause gum receding. Then, gum receding may expose the top edges of your dental veneers, affecting the physical outlook of your smile. This dental problem may be avoided through practicing proper care of your oral hygiene and by regularly visiting your dentist for check up and professional dental care in Boston.
• Don’t skip your 6-month check-up – For you to keep your gums and teeth as healthy as possible, you need to do regular check up with your dentist. During your consultation with your dentist, your dental porcelain veneers will be totally assessed as well. Thus, your dental care specialist can also repair any possible problems which may be the cause of damage of your veneers.
These tips and reminders mentioned above are some of the important things that you need to put into consideration so as to maintain the durability of your porcelain veneers. Proper care for your dental veneers also involves avoiding negative habits that can damage your veneers. For best assurance about the proper care and maintenance of your dental porcelain veneers, the following list shows some of the things that you need to avoid:
• Don’t chew on the hard objects – Though your dental porcelain veneers are durable or strong resistant enough, still, these are not as resilient as your natural teeth. So, you need to avoid chewing on any hard objects such as ice, pen and your nails. Hard objects can produce fragments on your dental veneers.
• Don’t clench or grind your teeth – Teeth clenching and grinding must be avoided whether you have your dental veneers or not. Some people grind their teeth (bruxism), especially at night. This habit may negatively affect your porcelain veneers. So, for you to prevent this kind of problem, you need to visit your dentist for consultation. Your Boston dental care specialist will give advise you to utilize a mouth guard for protection on your teeth and for your dental veneers as well.
• Avoid drinks and foods that can stain your teeth. Porcelain veneers are stain resistant; however, the adhesive materials used to bond the dental veneers to your teeth are not as stain-resistant as your veneers. So, if you keep on eating foods and drinking fluids like tea, coffee or soft drinks;,there is a possibility that the edges of your dental veneers will appear yellow or dark. So, it is very important to avoid drinks and foods that can stain the bond of your veneers to your teeth. If you want to drink sodas or coffee, you may also use a straw so as to minimize a direct contact on your teeth.
• Don’t smoke – Another cause of tooth discoloration on the edges of your porcelain veneers is smoking. So, for you to keep your dental veneers as good as its actual appearance, it is necessary to quit smoking.(Air Syringe)