Behind medical insurance and retirement plans, dental insurance is the third most requested employee benefit.1 While dental benefits may not be top-of-mind during your health benefits discussion, don’t forget to keep dental insurance as an important piece of your overall benefits package.(Dental Implant Machine)
Studies show that 81 percent of people with dental benefits visit the dentist twice a year or more, while only 34 percent of people without dental benefits visit the dentist twice a year or more.2
More than 120 signs and symptoms of disease can be diagnosed during a routine dental exam, which can save on medical costs in the long run.3 The mouth is considered the gateway to the body. Bacteria that build up in the mouth can cause gums to become prone to infection and weaken immune systems. Dentistry has a long tradition of focusing on preventive care that may help prevent more serious problems, saving you money and pain.
Each year, more than 164 million work hours are lost because of dental problems.4 Preventive exams can help reduce lost productivity hours by identifying and treating problems sooner and, in some cases, reversing the problem.
Delta Dental’s Premier and PPO networks are among the nation’s largest,5 making it easy for you. Delta Dental network dentists have agreed not to charge more than the maximum-allowed fees for covered procedures – and they will not bill you after-the-fact for the difference between the Delta Dental allowed fees and their fees.(Marathon Micro Motor)