Top 5 Causes of Sensitive Teeth

Sensitive teeth can be extremely uncomfortable and not to mention painful. The middle layer of your tooth is called dentin. This soft layer is attached to thousands of tiny tubes that connect to the tooth’s nerve center called the pulp. When dentin is exposed,  hot or cold temperatures or pressure can cause tooth sensitivity.  So what causes dentin to be exposed? Here are a few reasons why the protective coating on your teeth, also known as enamel, can wear down and expose the nerve of the tooth.
Brushing Your Teeth Too Hard

We understand that you want your teeth to be squeaky clean, but brushing your teeth too harshly or using a hard-bristled toothbrush can wear off the protective enamel on your teeth and expose the dentin that causes tooth sensitivity.  Try finding a toothbrush that has softer bristles and brush your teeth a bit more gently. If tooth sensitivity continues, don’t hesitate to contact your dentist.(Portable X-ray Machine)
Eating Too Many Acidic Foods and Drinks

Unfortunately, eating acidic foods such as tomatoes, kiwi, lemons and grapefruit can cause sensitivity to your teeth.  Don’t forget about acidic drinks as well.  Sodas and fruit juices tend to have high acidity. If you notice sensitivity in your teeth, try to steer away from acidic foods and drinks.
Using Whitening Toothpaste or Teeth Whitening Products

Whitening toothpaste, tooth whitening products and mouthwash can cause tooth sensitivity because they often contain alcohol and other chemicals that can wear down your enamel on your teeth. Use neutral fluoride mouthwash or skip mouthwash altogether and spend more time brushing and flossing your teeth. If think your pain is coming from your toothpaste, sensitive toothpaste is available for people with sensitive teeth. However, it should be used regularly for the best end result. You don’t have to sacrifice a white smile for a healthy one. Lifepoint Dental offers professional whitening treatment that is safe for your teeth’s enamel.
Cracking a Tooth

Biting into hard substances like candy, ice, apples can actually cause a tooth to crack. The crack may be too small feel with your touch, but you may feel pain and sensitivity to a tooth that is cracked. If not treated, bacteria could get into your teeth and causes pain due to inflammation of the gums.
Grinding or Clenching of Teeth

Habitual teeth grinders are actually wearing down the protective enamel on their teeth, which again exposes the dentin. Most people who grind their teeth do so in their sleep. Lifepoint Dental dentists suggest using a mouthguard to ensure teeth are able to be protected by the enamel.  Lifepoint Dental will custom-make your mouthguard to ensure the best possible protection.
A Solution to Tooth Sensitivity

Tooth sensitivity is treatable, but the results vary from person to person because they are so many different causes of the problem. For mild to moderate sensitivity, toothpaste for sensitive teeth can often solve the problem if used consistently. If you are experiencing severe discomfort due to tooth sensitivity, don’t hesitate to contact a Lifepoint Dental dentist in Ames, Ankeny, Cedar Rapids, Marshalltown and Des equipment