When you think of going to the dentist, one image you might imagine is the dental x-ray. X-rays allow dentists to find cavities, check the health of a tooth’s root and the bone surrounding the tooth, check on developing teeth and monitor the health of your teeth and jawbone. However, when your dentist detects a problem such as a cavity, or other tooth decay, it’s hard to relate that issue clearly to the patient using just the x-ray image. What appears to be a tiny dark blemish in an x-ray image might de-emphasize the magnitude of a particular dental problem. If your dentist doesn’t use the latest technology to diagnose your symptoms, it’s time to make an appointment with Dr. Banda. The experienced dentists of Cranbrook Dental Care use intraoral cameras to diagnose and treat the patients of Cranbrook Dental Care. Call Dr. Banda today to set up your next appointment. Cranbrook Dental Care proudly serves families throughout metro Detroit including, Troy, Bloomfield Hills, Clarkston, Royal Oaks and Birmingham.
The Benefits of Intraoral Cameras
Intraoral Camera are small camera devices, no larger than a dental mirror, with a disposable cover and an attached LED light, that can take both digital still photos and video of the inside of your mouth. These images can be shown on a video monitor inside the treatment room during your visit. If the dentist does detect an issue inside your mouth, they can show you the affected area with an image that can be magnified up to 40 times on a video monitor. As a diagnostic tool, the intraoral camera can be used to find and document dental problems from every angle and in between your teeth. You can see issues involving discoloration of the gums, gum disease, cracked teeth and broken fillings, plaque deposits and cavities next to fillings.
Treatment Using Intraoral Cameras in Metro Detroit
The use of the intraoral camera is beneficial for both you and your dentist. As an educational tool, you become a part of the examination process and can be better informed about your treatment options. Your dentist can keep better documentation for your future care with a tool that gives them better visibility during treatment and image power that rivals a microscope. Most importantly, Intraoral Camera for Sale aid in the early detection of dental problems.